Housing Assistance for Low-Income in Kentucky

Kentucky has a bunch of resources to help eligible residents have access to low-income housing. The purpose of most of these programs is to make rent or mortgage payments easy for low-income families. Whether you need temporary or permanent housing assistance, there are state and local programs to help you achieve stability and self-sufficiency. Keep reading this article for more housing resources and information in Kentucky.

Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS)

The Kentucky Housing Corporation administers this program. FSS is a housing program designed for participants of the Section 8 Housing Program. Participants contribute some funds from what they earn towards their rent while the KHC covers the rest of the payment given to landlords directly. Through this program, participants receive case management and homeownership training and education services. The program provides qualified families with the opportunity to learn new skills, prevent homelessness, and achieve self-sufficiency. How does the program work? The KHC opens a savings account on behalf of the applicant and contributes towards the growth of savings. As your income increases, your contribution towards your monthly rent improves and the amount of subsidy also reduces. This program provides you with an opportunity to finally become a homeowner since the savings can be enough for settling down payment. Who qualifies for the program support? Well, you are automatically qualified to receive the program benefits if you receive Section 8 Housing benefits. Find out more at https://www.kyhousing.org/Rental/HCV/Pages/Family-Self-Sufficiency-Program.aspx.

The Fair Housing Act

The Fair Housing Act was established under the Civile Rights Act of 2008. According to the Act, all residents of Kentucky have equal opportunities when it comes to housing, including selling and buying a property, renting, or securing housing insurance for your family. The act protects residents of Kentucky state from housing discrimination based on sexual orientation, nationality, gender race, religion, and color. That means that you are allowed to choose where to live, and the law prohibits mistreating tenants or homeowners after obtaining housing. Read more about Fair Housing Act at https://www.kyhousing.org/Legal/Pages/Fair-Housing.aspx.

Veterans Emerging Towards Transition (VETT) Vouchers

The purpose of this program is to eliminate homelessness among veterans and their families in Kentucky. The Kentucky Housing Corporation administers this program and ensures homeless veterans obtain housing support. The program provides housing support to up to 100 eligible homeless veterans in the counties where the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program operates. The VETT Voucher program aims to prevent and reduce cases of veteran homelessness and enable them to achieve stability. Who qualifies for this program assistance? The VETT program requires veterans to complete Homeless Veteran Certification. Once you complete the form, please email hcvwaitinglist@kyhousing.org. You must meet the homelessness conditions outlined in the Homeless Veteran Certification form and meet the eligibility requirements for the Section 8 Housing Program. You don’t have to be receiving or eligible for Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits to qualify for the VETT program. Also, you must present a copy of DD-214. Having troubles accessing your DD-214? Please visit https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/. The purpose of this is to verify your status as a veteran. Want to contribute towards ending veteran homelessness in Kentucky? Visit https://www.hud.gov/ending_veteran_homelessness to learn how you can help. Read more at https://www.kyhousing.org/Programs/Pages/Veterans-Programs.aspx.

Family Unification Program (FUP)

Family Unification Program is designed for families without adequate housing and needs quality and affordable housing. To qualify for this program assistance, you must have at least a child placed in out-of-home care because of a lack of adequate housing. For the youth, you must be over 18 years and not older than 24 years. Also, you must have left foster care at least within 90 years. You must be experiencing homelessness or at risk of facing the situation. The program aims to enable families to regain stability and live an independent and self-sufficiency. Find out more at the program worksheet at https://www.hud.gov/sites/documents/FUP_FACT_SHEET.PDF.

Olmstead Housing Initiative (OHI)

Olmstead Housing Initiative was created to help address and meet the immediate housing needs of the most vulnerable populations, including people with severe mental illnesses and institutionalized or about to be taken to a nursing home. The program aimed to enable the qualified participants to live an independent life and regain stabilization in the community. OHI funds can be used to pay moving expenses, utility and security deposits, basic furnishings, and contributes towards the applicant’s rental subsidy. Learn about the policies and procedures of the Olmstead Housing Initiative at http://dbhdid.ky.gov/dbh/documents/OHIPolicies.pdf. To receive the OHI program benefits, you must be referred by the service providers of the Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID). The service providers must ensure there are enough community resources where the qualified participant choose to reside. Find out more at https://www.kyhousing.org/Rental/HCV/Pages/Olmstead-Housing-Initiative.aspx.

The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is designed for families having trouble obtaining quality and affordable housing because of low-income. The Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) run the program in the local communities and process applications. Once you apply and qualify for support, you are placed on a waiting list. It might take many years for you to get at the top of the waiting list because many people are continuously seeking housing support in Kentucky. Are undergoing spousal abuse? If you need to move out because you are facing domestic violence, the PHAs may put your name at the top of the list. Need to make an application for Section 8 Housing rental assistance? You may need to provide your National ID or driving license for identity verification. You have to submit a copy of proof of your family income and sign the required forms. What can affect your Section 8 Housing program application? Your application may be canceled should you have a bad police record, bad landlord references, or if you owe money to the public housing authority in your area. For more details on the Section 8 Housing Program, please visit http://kyjustice.org/section-8-voucher-program.

Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Grant Program

HOPWA Grant Program is administered by Kentucky Housing Corporation and funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. HOPWA Grant Program works to provide housing support to low-income individuals living with HIV/AIDS and their families. The program funds are used to provide housing assistance and other support services to enable people living with HIV/AIDS to live an independent and stable life. This grant program aims to reduce cases of homelessness among people living with HIV/AIDS and improve housing and support opportunities for those at risk. The program activities include rental assistance to the tenants, emergency housing support, and permanent housing assistance, including help with security deposits. The program also connects eligible applicants with housing resources and information to obtain quality housing that fits their needs and budget. Supportive services include case management and drug abuse services. You must have an income not more than 80% of the area’s median income and have an HIV/AIDS diagnosis. Find out more at https://www.kyhousing.org/Programs/Pages/HOPWA.aspx.

Kentucky Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Kentucky LIHEAP assists low-income families meet their home energy costs. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the Cabinet for Health and Family Services in Kentucky. The Community Action Agencies runs this program at the local level and are in charge of processing applications and issuing benefits to qualified families. The program consists of subsidy and crisis assistance, which are provided in different circumstances to the eligible families. The Subsidy is provided during November and December to families with incomes not more than 130% of the federal poverty line to help them with heating costs. For crisis intervention assistance, you must have an emergency, including disconnections from the heating source or almost running out of fuel. The program also provides replacement machines for cooling/heating to families with inoperable equipment. The level of the program assistance depends on the income and size of the family in need of support. Read more at https://chfs.ky.gov/agencies/dcbs/dfs/pdb/Pages/liheap.aspx.

Kentucky Balance of State Continuum of Care (KY BoS CoC)

The Kentucky Balance of State Continuum of Care (KY BoS CoC) is a way of approaching and addressing homelessness through a continuum of housing support programs and available community services. Services include street outreach in search of homelessness cases, emergency shelter services, case management, conducting the assessment, permanent supportive housing to individuals living with disabilities, and transitional housing. Visit https://www.kyhousing.org/Partners/Continuum-of-Care/Pages/default.aspx for more information.

USDA Rural Development Guaranteed Loan Program

The purpose of the program is to provide financial support to low-income eligible families to enable them to obtain safe and affordable housing in the rural areas qualified to participate in the program. The RD guaranteed loans are offered to these families who meet the low-income limits described at http://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov/. you must have tried to borrow to obtain credit from other sources without success. The loans are payable over 30 years and at low-interest rates compared to conventional loan programs. The total assets an applicant possesses should not be enough to borrow a loan from traditional sources or make a down payment and cover closing costs. For more details about the program requirements, please visit http://www.myhometownmortgageky.com/loan-programs/ky-rural-housing-usda.

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