Housing Assistance for Low-Income in New Hampshire

Need help paying your rent? There are both short-term and long-term rental assistance programs available in New Hampshire. These programs can provide support to both qualified and low-income families and individuals running out of options for housing. These programs are mostly run by the local housing authorities that process applications for assistance. Keep reading this article for more details about available housing resources in New Hampshire.

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

Through the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, New Hampshire Housing provides rental assistance to low-income individuals and families. The program aims to enable qualified families to achieve stability through improved affordable housing opportunities in the State. The program activities prevent homelessness among individuals at risk of experiencing the situation. New Hampshire Housing administers this program with the help of the public housing authorities who run the program at the local level. The program participants are allowed to find housing units of their choice in the private housing market. However, the units must meet the HUD’s quality and safety standards. Qualified families contribute a portion of their income towards monthly rental payments, and the New Hampshire Housing covers the balance. The balance is paid directly to the property owners on behalf of the renters. The program support depends on the fund’s availability and whether you meet the qualifications. Because there is a high demand for housing assistance in New Hampshire, eligible applicants can stay on the waiting lists for 9 years or more. Once you reach the top of the list, you will get support. Read more about the program at https://www.nhhfa.org/rental-assistance/#:~:text=New%20Hampshire%20Housing%20provides%20direct,Choice%20Voucher%20(HCV)%20program.&text=HUD%20also%20supports%20a%20program,used%20for%20homeownership%20mortgage%20assistance.

Lead and Healthy Homes

Lead is a toxic metal that is usually found in old homes that have existed from as early as 1978 in New Hampshire. Such homes may have lead hidden in the paint, dust, or soil since it is not easily detectable. There are funds available to help remove the lead paint hazards in homes built in 1978 or before. There are also state loans available to support property owners in addressing the lead hazards in New Hampshire. Who does the program target in New Hampshire? The program targets low-income families whose earnings do not allow them to maintain lead-safe homes. Homes with children who have already been lead-poisoned are given priority when determining qualified households. Find out more at https://www.nhhfa.org/rental-assistance/landlords-property-owners/lead-and-healthy-homes/.

Home Flex Plus and Home Preferred Plus Program

The program provides up to 4% of the base loan amount financial support to homeowners to help them with down payment and closing costs. The loans provided to qualified homeowners are forgivable unless you sell or change the ownership of the property within four years of receiving the financial assistance. You may also be required to repay the loan if you refinance or file for bankruptcy. To qualify for the program loans, you must undergo homebuyer education and get certified upon completion of the course. For Home Flex Plus, your income must not exceed $135,300. On the other hand, Home Preferred Plus offers financial support to applicants with incomes not exceeding 0% of the Area Median Income. For more information, please visit https://www.gonewhampshirehousing.com/participating-lenders.

Purchase Rehab Mortgage Program

Purchase Rehab Mortgage Program allows qualified homebuyers to add up to $35,000 to their purchase mortgage. With this program, you are only required to up to a 3.56% down payment. The program funds can be used for repairs, upgrades, safety improvements, and making home energy more efficient. Please note that the program does not cover structural repairs. You can qualify for a one-time closing costs assistance and a rehabilitation loan through this program. Your income must not exceed $135,300 to qualify for the program assistance. Want to learn more? Please visit https://www.gonewhampshirehousing.com/participating-lenders.

New Hampshire Emergency Housing Program

The New Hampshire Emergency Housing Program assists eligible low-income families having trouble finding quality and affordable housing. The program can be lost when you have run out of options for settling your rental arrears. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. However, the program is run at the state level. The program funds are always limited, and only a few qualified families can receive one-time financial support. The program can offer only up to three months of rental assistance to the participants. Who is eligible for the program’s financial support? You must be a resident of New Hampshire State, be at risk of facing eviction due to unavoidable financial circumstances, and have an income not more than 50% of the area’s median income. Note that the program assistance should be your last resort. For this reason, you must have explored all the available housing resources without success. Find out more at https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dfa/tanf/emergency.htm.

Friends Emergency Housing Program

Friends Emergency Housing Program provides temporary shelter for families at risk of becoming homeless. The program offers other services including, case management, short-term housing, outreach services, and aftercare services. The program also provides transitional housing units. Families within those temporary shelters are provided with training and education resources to help them acquire the skills they need to help them maintain permanent housing. The program aims to eliminate homelessness in New Hampshire by enabling suffering families to obtain supportive counseling and education services and helping them attain permanent housing. The program provides a safe environment where families to achieve stability and their housing goals. Would you love to become a volunteer and help in running the program activities? Please reach out by contacting 603-228-1462. Visit https://friendsprogram.org/programs/emergency-housing for more details.

Southern New Hampshire Services, Inc.

The Southern New Hampshire Services, Inc. receives funds to provide supportive services to the individuals and families experiencing homelessness. The program aims to enable homeless families to receive shelter. Services such as case management and short-term shelter are provided to the families to prevent eviction for those at risk of becoming homeless. The program also helps to secure housing for those who are already homeless. The program also provides information regarding housing resources available and referrals to families in need of emergency housing assistance. SNSHS collaborates with other housing authorities in their fight towards ending homelessness. Find out more at https://www.snhs.org/programs/community-multi-cultural-services/homelessness-prevention.

USDA’s Single-Family Housing Direct Home Loans in New Hampshire

This program aims to enable low-income families to have access to safe and affordable housing in the USDA-qualified rural areas in New Hampshire. The goal is to improve the repayment ability of the program participants and help them reduce the amount they pay for their mortgage. Your income must be below the applicable low-income limits in your area. You must also demonstrate that you can repay the loan to qualify for assistance. You must have tried to borrow a loan from other sources without success and need decent housing. You must also be willing to occupy the house as your primary residence. Have you been receiving federal program benefits? Were you suspended? You can’t e eligible for the program assistance if you have been debarred or suspended from the federal programs. You will repay the loan once you sell or change the ownership of the property. How can you make use of the program funds? Funds may be used for home repairs, renovate buildings, or construct new homes. You may also use the funds to finance water and sewerage facilities or buy a new home. The financial support has up to 33 years payback period. For families with extremely low-income, you may have up to 38 years to make repayment for the loan. Visit http://rd.usda.gov/contact-us/state-offices to make an application. Read more about the program at https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/single-family-housing-direct-home-loans/nh.

USDA’s Single-Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants in New Hampshire

The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance through loans and grants to low-income homeowners in New Hampshire. Loans are used for repairs and renovations to improve the conditions of houses for homeowners. On the other hand, grants, which are given to the senior homeowners are provided to help them deal with the safety and health threats from their homes. you must be 62 or older to receive the grants and demonstrate an inability to repay. Ensure your income is below 50% of the area median income. Loans are repayable over 20 years. Learn more about the program at https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/single-family-housing-repair-loans-grants/nh.

New Hampshire Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

The purpose of the program is to provide home energy assistance to families with low-income to enable them to pay their heating and cooling bills. The program aims to keep families out of the harsh weather. The program also provides emergency assistance to families at risk of experiencing disconnection. The level of assistance depends on the family income and size as well as the type of fuel the household consumes. Facing disconnections? You may receive additional grants to help get you out of your situation. the program can always refer you to other home energy assistance resources when the funds are no longer available. The program also provides weatherization and crisis intervention support to qualified families. Besides, families with inoperable heating or cooling equipment may receive other tools for replacement. To qualify for the program support, you must meet the U.S. citizenship requirements, be a resident of New Hampshire, and demonstrate the need for financial support. Find out more at https://www.benefitsapplication.com/program_info/NH/LIHEAP.

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