Housing Assistance for Low-Income in Rhode Island

Many families in Rhode Island are faced with homelessness situations because they find it difficult to pay for their mortgages or rent. Fortunately, there is a wide range of housing support programs administered at the federal, state, and local levels to ensure the immediate housing needs of the residents are met. To help reduce homelessness and improve affordable housing options for the low-income, there is a need for funding, which can come from different sources. There are both state and federal funded housing programs in Rhode Island to offer support to families in need.

Building Homes Rhode Island

Building Home Program was established to develop affordable apartments a well as single-family homes for the residents having trouble finding low-income housing that suits their budget. The program finance is meant for the construction of ore affordable apartments, revitalization of neighborhoods, redevelopment of existing buildings through renovation and rehabilitation, and improving blighted properties, including residential properties and community spaces. Visit http://ohcd.ri.gov/community-development/bhri/.

Neighborhood Opportunities Program

The Neighborhood Opportunities Program was established to provide housing support to low-income families and people with disabilities. The program covers a portion of the mortgage or rents paid by the low-income. The funds sent to the property owners is usually the difference between a renter’s income and the amount charged on the rent. Qualified applicants are required to contribute a portion of their income towards their rent or mortgage. The payment assistance is designed to make housing affordable to the low-wage working residents of Rhode Island. The aim of the program is also to make rents sustainable to the property owners. Through this program, affordable housing opportunities have greatly improved over the past decade. Many low-income families have benefited from this program. Find out more at http://ohcd.ri.gov/community-development/nop/.

Public Housing Program

The HUD’s Public Housing Program is administered by the locals Public Housing Authorities (PHAs). Once you qualify for the program support, you will only contribute up to 30% of your income towards monthly rent. The program also offers funds for renovation and rehabilitation of existing buildings to achieve as many as possible, affordable housing options for low-income families and individuals with special needs. For more details, please visit https://www.hud.gov/states/rhode_island/renting.

HUD Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program

The purpose of this program is to fund the local non-profit and private organizations for the development of housing for the seniors in Rhode Island. The program comprises two components, including capital advances and operating assistance. The non-profits receive the capital advances for the construction and rehabilitation of structures. Operating assistance, on the other hand, provides rental support which enables the applicants to only contribute 30% of their income towards rental payments. The operation assistance also helps the low-income pay for their household expenses. The aim of the program is for the seniors to live an independent life and achieve stability. Other support services for eligible elderly persons include transport, cooking, and cleaning services. Read more at https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/housing/mfh/progdesc/eld202.


HUD Section 811 Supportive Housing for People with Disability Program

As the name suggests, this HUD-funded program is strictly for the senior members of Rhode Island. The purpose is to help in developing more housing units for those living with disabilities. The program also provides a payment subsidy, that is, it covers a portion of the applicants’ rent. Once you qualify for the program, you should contribute 30% of your income towards your monthly rent. There are also support services offered, such as transportation and case management services. You have to meet the low-income limits and disability requirements to be eligible for the program assistance. Read more about this program at https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/section-811/#:~:text=Through%20the%20Section%20811%20Supportive,low%2Dincome%20adults%20with%20disabilities.

Housing First Rhode Island

The housing First Rhode Island program was established to provide a solution to chronic homelessness in the state. The program provides permanent housing and support services to homeless individuals to enable them to live an independent life and achieve stability in the neighborhoods. Find out more at https://riverwoodmhs.dreamhosters.com/housingFirstRI.php.

Thresholds Program

This program is administered by the Rhode Island Housing on behalf of the Rhode Island Department of Mental Health, Retardation and Hospitals (MHRH). The program makes use of the bond funds to improve housing for individuals with persistent and serious mental illness. The housing service providers are required to provide affordable housing to the families living with disabilities in exchange for the fund for refinancing or for developing more housing units for individuals with special needs. The program will also provide housing and support services, including meals, transportation, medical support, and case management to persons occupying such apartments. Read more at http://www.bidnet.com/bneattachments?/441946751.pdf.

Consolidated Homeless Fund

The Office of Homelessness Services and Emergency Assistance administers the State’s Consolidated Homeless Fund and any other planning designed to solve the problem of homelessness. The purpose of this fund is to bring together housing resources while coordinating with other programs to support the goal of ending homelessness. The program funds are distributed to the local government agencies and non-profit organizations that are committed to addressing the housing needs and providing supportive services to the low-income and homeless individuals and families. The program activities include providing essential support services such as emergency shelter, rehabilitation, renovation, rental support, rapid re-housing, and other maintenance services such as repairs. Note the Consolidated Homeless Fund does not provide financial support directly to individuals and families. You receive assistance through the local government authorizes or non-profit organizations. Find out more at http://ohcd.ri.gov/homelessness/.

Rhode Island Foreclosure Law Center

About to face foreclosure? Well, many people are undergoing foreclosure. You are not alone. Foreclosures in Rhode Island are mostly nonjudicial, that is, you don’t have to go to court to settle the issue at hand. However, your mortgage servicer or company must provide you with a foreclosure notice. Some programs offer foreclosure prevention mediation services and allow people to become participants. Such services offer you options you can always explore to avoid foreclosure. You can discuss with your lender, beforehand, your current financial situation, and when you intend to settle your monthly mortgage arrears. What if you face foreclosure and lose your home as a result of foreclosure? If you get notice of sale, you must ensure the amount covers all your arrears. Otherwise, the property owner might sue you for deficiency, something you don’t want to go through. Read more about foreclosure in Rhode Island at https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/rhode-island-foreclosure-law-center.

Hardest Hit Fund Rhode Island

The Hardest Hit Fund program is financed by the U.S. Treasury and is designed to help homeowners avoid foreclosures. The Rhode Island Housing administers this program. It consists of the following components:

Temporary and Immediate Housing Assistance. The purpose of this program is to finance foreclosure services in Rhode Island. The program funds can be sued to cover homeowner insurance, property taxes, household expenses, or mortgage payment arrears.

Loan Modification Assistance. The purpose of this program is to enable low-income homeowners to achieve permanent loan modification. The aim of the assistance is for homeowners to achieve stability through reduced mortgage payments.

Mortgage Payment Assistance. This program pays a portion of your monthly mortgage and you are required to contribute part of your income towards the rest of the payment.

Read more about the program at http://www.economicprogressri.org/index.php/hardest-hit-fund-ri/.

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

Section 8 Housing is a program designed to provide rental assistance to low-income families and individuals. The programs aim to provide safe, healthy, and affordable housing units for the participating residents of Rhode Island. The program allows participants to chose a housing unit in the private housing market. You must ensure your home meets the quality standards set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. You must not earn more than 50% of the federal poverty line to qualify for assistance. However, income eligibility depends on the size of the household and where the property is situated. Want to apply for the Section 8 Housing Program? Please visit http://waitlistcentralri.com/.

USDA’s Single-Family Housing Direct Home Loans in Rhode Island

This program offers direct loans to low-income families to enable them to acquire quality housing at affordable rates. This program aims to enhance the repayment ability of the loan applicants and to reduce their monthly mortgage payments for some time. The amount of the program support is determined by the size of the family and their level of income. You must demonstrate the ability to repay the loan and agree to settle in the house and use it as your primary residence. With this program, you don’t need to make a down payment. Do you have more assets than the limits? You may use a portion of your assets. The loans are payable over 33 years. Want to apply for the program support? Visit your local Rural Development Office at http://rd.usda.gov/contact-us/state-offices.

Rhode Island Low-Income Home Energy Assistance

Having trouble paying your home energy bills? The program funds are allocated to the local community action agencies that deliver services to low-income families in need of energy assistance. Once your family qualifies for the program assistance, the funds are directly paid to the service provider on your behalf. The level of assistance depends on the type of fuel your family consumes, the number of people in your family, and your income. This program aims to keep financially struggling families out of the harsh weather. Find out more at https://www.benefitsapplication.com/program_info/RI/LIHEAP.

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