Housing Assistance for Low-Income in Florida

The cost of maintaining quality housing has become a worry, especially for the most vulnerable Floridians like the disabled, the seniors, the single moms, and the low-income earners in general. This article discusses the housing assistance programs available in Florida, which may help pay for or even subsidize your housing costs. Keep reading for more information.

Florida Housing Finance Corporation

This program was established by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation to help those in need of housing assistance. The program can be the best choice if you are looking for help with housing – whether you are a renter or buying a home for the first time. Call 850-488-4197 or visit the official website at https://www.floridahousing.org/about-florida-housing for more information.

Emergency Financial Assistance for Housing Program (EFAHP)

The EFAHP offers support to residents who have lost their shelter or are at risk of losing their homes because of failure to pay mortgage or rent. The program provides a one-time cash grant to qualified applicants. It also assists those whose houses have been destroyed by floods or disasters. For more information, please call 850-922-4691.

Eligibility requirements for EFAHP

  • There must at least one child under the age of 18 living in the household.
  • You must be residing or working in Florida or at least looking for a job within the State.
  • You or at least one of your children must be a U.S. citizen or a legal resident in Florida
  • You must be able to provide proof of your emergency, for instance, a foreclosure notice from your landlord or mortgage servicer.
  • You don’t have enough money in your savings account to pay your mortgage or rent.
  • Your household income must be lower than the median income level in Florida.
  • You must have a real financial emergency. In other words, you must not be the cause of your financial problems.
  • You must provide proof of your residential address, including a utility bill, rent receipt, or any other document showing the present address.
  • Ensure your application form is signed and dated.

Please visit https://debthelper.com/blog/2009/06/emergency-financial-assistance-for-housing-program/#:~:text=The%20Emergency%20Financial%20Assistance%20for,payment%20of%20rent%20or%20mortgage. For more information.

Florida Foreclosure Assistance and Mortgage Help

This housing assistance program helps low-income earners pay their mortgages. Through the combined efforts of the government, non-profit organizations, and local resources, the program provides those eligible for assistance with some amount of money to help them pay for their mortgages.

Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation (FMHRC)

Under Florida Statute 723, the FMHRC was established to offer assistance to mobile home park residents who are at risk of facing eviction due to land-use changes. Land-use changes may involve residents abandoning or relocating their mobile home. Please visit http://dev.fmhrc.org/test-web/ to find out more about the program.

Florida Resident Debt Relief Program

InCharge Debt Solutions is committed to providing free non-profit credit counseling and date management programs to individuals residing in Florida and need assistance. Through the Florida Resident Debt Relief Program, InCharge Debt Solutions focus on those in need of housing counseling services and help them achieve financial balance and move closer to their lifetime dreams. Learn more about the program at https://www.incharge.org/#getstarted_form.

Florida Coalition to End Homelessness

The Florida Coalition to End Homelessness is committed to working in collaboration with other non-profits and organizations to end homelessness through advocacy and education of the residents of Florida. Over the past two decades, the coalition has been the leading voice on the policy of homelessness. The coalition continues to impact lives by working with State and Federal programs to bring about housing solutions to the residents. Membership benefits include technical training to help them come up with solutions to ending homelessness. The skills gained enable members to help the community in developing long-lasting solutions to their housing problems, including homelessness and families, youth, and children at risk of being homeless in Florida. Learn more about FCEH membership at http://fchonline.org/membership/. For more information, please visit http://fchonline.org/.

Orlando Housing Authority (OHA)

OHA is an independent public corporation that is funded primarily by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The corporation is committed to providing housing assistance to low-income individuals and families through Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV), Single Room Occupancy (SRO), and public housing. OHA also works to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to available OHA forms, notices, resources, and services. Please visit https://www.orlandohousing.org/ for more information.

Capital Good Fund

The Capital Good Fund is authorized by the State of Florida to provide affordable loans to individuals in need of housing assistance. The capital goo fund offers loans at low-interest rates and is more flexible and secure. Are you not sure you qualify for this assistance? Well, check for eligibility at https://www.tfaforms.com/4802139. For more information about the Capital Good Fund, please visit https://capitalgoodfund.org/en/loans?

Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA)

Over 1 million Americans are living with HIV/AIDS. Stable housing enables people living with HIV/AIDS to live a healthy life. Due to factors such as increased medical costs and low-income, some of the PLHIV risk losing their housing. The HOPWA is committed to assisting people living with HIV/AIDS by providing services such as short-term rent, mortgage, and utility assistance. Through this program, these people can also get access to permanent housing, short-term supported housing facilities, and other support services.

Eligibility Requirements

  • You must have at least one member of the family living with HIV/AIDS.
  • You must be a Florida resident.
  • You must provide verification documents proving they need assistance.
  • You must be enrolled in the Ryan White Program.
  • You must have a total household gross income less than 80% Area Median Income guidelines by HUD.

Do you want to find out if you qualify for HOPWA? Please visit https://housingforbetterhealth.com/. For further information, please contact 386-274-0554.

Program Funding

HOPWA is primarily funded by HUD to provide states with resources to meet the housing needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. The program is administered by the Florida Department of Health.

Housing Assistance Waiver

This program was implemented by the Agency for Health Care Administration. The program is meant to provide housing services to Medicaid recipients who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in Florida. Find out more about the program at https://ahca.myflorida.com/medicaid/statewide_mc/Housing_Assist.shtml.

Florida’s Section 8 Housing Program

The Florida Section 8 Housing Voucher Program helps the most vulnerable groups, including the seniors, disabled, and low-income individuals and families. The goal is to provide financial assistance through vouchers to eligible individuals and families and help them live in quality and affordable housing of their choice. The vouchers help with rent and monthly utility bills. Since there is a high demand for assistance, support depends on the availability of funds and each PHA’s criteria of awarding the vouchers to the eligible members of the community. For more information, please visit https://eligibility.com/section-8/florida-fl-section-8-benefits.

USDA’s Single-Family Housing Direct Home Loans in Florida

This program is designed to provide financial assistance to low-income homeowners through loans meant to improve their homes and make them more decent and affordable for a safe stay. The amount of assistance provided to eligible applicants depends on the household’s level of income and size. You must agree to occupy the property as your primary residence and demonstrate the need for decent, safe, and affordable housing. For more information, please visit https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/single-family-housing-direct-home-loans/fl.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program in Florida

You can apply for LIHEAP through your local housing agency. You can apply online or visit the offices of your local public housing agency. https://floridajobs.org/community-planning-and-development/community-services/low-income-home-energy-assistance-program/find-your-local-low-income-home-energy-assistance-program-provider-for-help shows the list of housing agencies and online applications. You can contact your local agency through their website or telephone number.

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