Housing Assistance for Low-Income in Maryland

Housing and rental assistance programs are accessible in all the cities and counties of Maryland. Are you a low-income resident of Maryland? There are programs to support to help you pay your rent, mortgage, heating, cooling, and other emergency services associated with energy efficiency. Maryland also comprises social services to offer low-income housing to struggling families. Find out more in this article. Happy reading.

Homeownership and Renting

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development provides homeownership and renting programs to support families and enable them to obtain quality and affordable housing throughout the state. The homebuyer assistance programs provide mortgage loans and down payment assistance to eligible low-income individuals and families. The programs provide funds for rehabilitation and improvement of single-family housing. The goal is to improve basic livability and enable them to meet the unique housing needs, including weatherization assistance. The Department of Housing and Community Development also offers housing and financial assistance to individuals with special needs. The programs are described below:

Maryland Mortgage Program

The Maryland Mortgage Program provides low-interest loans to eligible homeowners. The program offers fixed-rate mortgages along with down payment assistance and federal tax credits. The program can refer you to top loan officers who will help you understand the eligibility requirements and the available assistance. The program also offers homebuyer education. Buying a home is a goal many people are striving to achieve. With homebuyer education, you get to learn everything concerning homeownership, including the responsibilities. Sometimes the dream of owning a home can be difficult to reach, even if you work hard. The Maryland Mortgage Program works to help you get there. The program is designed to make down payments and other costs associated with mortgage affordable for you. The program work in partnership with local lending institutions to help you chose the loan products that work best for you. Read more about the program at https://mmp.maryland.gov/Pages/default.aspx.

Department Owned Properties

There are single-family housing properties that the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development owns. Low-income homebuyers can buy these properties below the market price. The properties are also available for non-profits and public housing authorities. The properties are listed and sold through two contract real estate agencies, Cummings and Company Realtors or Maryland REO Realty or Atlantic Auctions. Remember, the housing properties are sold to eligible homebuyers regardless of their race, religion, gender, family status, sexual orientation, or nationality. Visit https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Residents/Pages/reo/default.aspx for more information about the program.

Maryland WholeHome

The Maryland WholeHome Program provides loans and grants to eligible individuals and families, including the elderly and individuals living with a disability. The qualified applicants can use the funds for repairing and replacing inoperable heating or cooling equipment, replace insulation, upgrade plumbing, and address maintenance issues. The program’s assistance helps you reduce the monthly utility bills for your family. We both need to save at some point, especially during the economic breakdown when there is a high rate of employment and underemployment. The WholeHome Program provide you with low-interest loan and grants to enable you to have a healthier home than ever! The program helps Maryland homeowners invest in affordable improvements that save them hundreds of dollars in heating and cooling costs, making necessary repairs, and enhancing livability for the seniors and the disabled. For more information, please visit https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Residents/Pages/WholeHome.aspx.

The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

The Maryland Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher is a federally funded rental assistance program. The Section 8 Housing program subsidizes individuals and families, seniors, and those with special needs. The goal is to enable eligible families to get access to quality and affordable housing in the private housing market. The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Administers the program. Which types of housing are eligible for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program in Maryland? Any type of rental housing unit is eligible as long as it meets the housing quality standards set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Applicants are allowed to select eligible rental units of their choice. Once the rental unit has been approved, the applicant only contributes 30%-40% of their income towards their monthly rental payment and utilities. The rest will be paid as a rental subsidy, which is paid directly to your landlord after signing a contract. Note that you have to meet the low-income requirements in your area, which is not more than 50% of the area median income. You must also be located in Maryland to receive the assistance and be a citizen of the U.S. Remember, this is rental assistance and not a loan program. Find out more about the program at https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Residents/Pages/HousingChoice/default.aspx.

Community Development and Neighborhood Revitalization

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development partners with the local governments, non-profits, and local community groups to improve the quality of life of the Maryland residents through the following programs:

Community Development Block Grant Program

The Community Development Block Grant Program funds are used to strengthen the local communities by improving housing development, including affordable housing opportunities, creating job opportunities for Maryland residents, ensuring neighborhood stabilization, and enhancing the quality of life. Who is qualifies for the CDBG program? Units of local county governments operating in areas with less than 200,000 population, units of local governments operating in cities and towns with less than 50,000 population may apply for the program funds. Joint jurisdictions can also qualify for the program. See the list of eligible jurisdictions at https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Communities/Documents/cdbg/EligibleJurisdictions.pdf. For more information about the program, please visit https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Communities/Pages/programs/CDBG.aspx.

The Community Services Block Grant Program

The purpose of this program is to provide housing and other supportive services to low-income individuals and families in Maryland. The program enables the eligible families to gain the knowledge, skills, and motivation needed to achieve stability and self-sufficiency. The program is run in all of the 24 counties through the local community action agencies. The community action agencies receive 90% of the program funds allocated to the State of Maryland. Under the Community Development Block Grant Act, 5% of the allocated funds to promote self-sufficiency, and stimulate community revitalization. Please visit https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Communities/Pages/programs/CSBG.aspx for more information. Emergency Solutions Grants

The Emergency Solutions Grants program is funded through the U.S.

Department of Housing and Urban Development and administered by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. The program works to offer homeless shelters and homeless services programs in the local county governments and municipalities. Who is eligible for this program? The local governments and the private non-profits are eligible to receive funds for running projects for this program. Please visit your local HUD Field Office at https://www.hudexchange.info/grantees/. For more information about how the program operates in Maryland, please visit https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Communities/Pages/programs/ESG.aspx.

Main Street Maryland

The purpose of Main Street Maryland is to promote the development of the economic potential of the traditional main streets and the neighborhoods of Maryland. The program also works to promote the improvement of the physical appearance of the local communities through rehabilitations and encouraging support of new construction. For more information, please visit https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Communities/Pages/programs/MainStreet.aspx.

The Community Investment Tax Credits

The Community Investment Tax Credits allocates credits to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations to improve the development of the local services and projects related to housing. The program complements other state funding programs that provide resources for revitalization in the local communities. How does the program work? The 501(c)(3) apply for tax credit allocations. The Maryland Department of Housing determines the eligibility of non-profits and awards those who qualify for tax credits. The program has spent nearly $27 in supporting approximately 700 projects across the State of Maryland. The qualified non-profits use the program funds to donate money, goods, or real property to support projects designed to improve housing in the state. Visit https://projectportal.dhcd.state.md.us/ to apply for the program. To learn more about the program, please visit https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Communities/Pages/programs/CITC.aspx.

Affordable Rental Housing Development

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development provides multifamily finance programs designed to enhance the improvement and rehabilitation of the affordable rental housing units for eligible low-income individuals, seniors, and the disabled. The programs are as follows:

Multifamily Bond Program The purpose of this program is to improve the rehabilitation and the construction of affordable rental housing units in Maryland. The goal is to enable the families struggling financially to obtain quality and affordable housing in the local communities. Find out more at https://dhcd.maryland.gov/HousingDevelopment/Pages/mbp/default.aspx.

Rental Housing Fund

The Department of Housing and Community Development funds several programs to improve and create more affordable rental housing for low-income individuals and families. The department allocates the rental housing funds to the housing rehabilitation, non-profit sponsors, and elderly housing programs collectively to ensure the housing problems are addressed in the state. HOME funds, which are administered by the department are also incorporated in the rental housing funds. Visit https://dhcd.maryland.gov/HousingDevelopment/Pages/rhf/factsheet.aspx for more information.

Partnership Rental Housing Program

The Partnership Rental Housing Program works to improve the number of qualities of affordable housing for eligible low-income individuals and families. The program works in partnership with the State and the local governments. The program was expanded to include creating affordable housing opportunities for the disabled and other individuals with special needs. The program provides loans for rental housing, which are occupied by individuals who meet the low-income limits (50% of the area median income). Large projects receive up to $75,000 per rental housing unit, while small projects are awarded up to $2 million for 40 housing units. Learn more about the program at https://dhcd.maryland.gov/HousingDevelopment/Pages/prhp/default.aspx.

Foreclosure Prevention

When you miss a payment for one month for your mortgage, you are likely to receive a “deficiency notice” from your servicer. When you miss several payments, you will be more likely to receive a “default notice,” explaining the amount you and notifying you of the possibility of foreclosure. Please don’t wait until you get the “notice of foreclosure action.” It is advisable to start communicating early before things get out of control. Let your lender or mortgage company know about your financial situation and how you plan to handle it. Maryland has many resources you can use to prevent foreclosure and keep your home. Find out at http://dhcd.maryland.gov/Residents/Pages/HOPE/MDHope.aspx. You can also reach out to HOPE Initiative at 1-877-4627555. Please visit https://211md.org/mortgage-foreclosure#:~:text=The%20Maryland%20HOPE%20Initiative%20(Home,to%20help%20prevent%20a%20 for more information.

Maryland Eviction Prevention

There is a high demand for rental assistance in Maryland since many residents are facing homelessness and others are at the risk of becoming homeless. This is because of unemployment, underemployment, and reduced hours of work. Because of this, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development uses the CDBG funding to prevent evictions in Maryland. All counties in Maryland are eligible for the program. Find out more at https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Pages/EvictionPrevention/default.aspx#:~:text=More%20than%20%24100%20million%20of,of%20Housing%20and%20Community%20Development.

USDA Home Loans in Maryland

The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides mortgage loan opportunities for the residents of Maryland. The program also provides No Money loans with mortgages in rural areas of Maryland. The program is designed for first-time homebuyers and move-up buyers. Along with a 30-year fixed mortgage which is 100% financed, the program places no limits on the type of property and the amount of loan you can be awarded. Learn more about the program at https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Pages/EvictionPrevention/default.aspx#:~:text=More%20than%20%24100%20million%20of,of%20Housing%20and%20Community%20Development.

Maryland Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

The Maryland LIHEAP provides energy assistance to low-income families by helping to pay their heating, cooling, and other utility bills. The program also offers financial assistance to cover emergencies like replacing broken furnaces. The program deposits money in the accounts of the qualified applicants on their behalf. The Maryland Department of Human Resources administers this program through a network of local authorities. You can access the list of the Maryland LIHEAP offices at http://www.dhr.state.md.us/blog/?page_id=4344. To qualify for this assistance program, applicants must ensure they meet certain eligibility requirements. For instance, your income must not exceed the low-income limits, you must be a resident of Maryland, and be able to demonstrate the level of your vulnerability. For the elderly and those individuals living with a disability, the Maryland LIHEAP carries out home visits to process their application. You will start receiving the LIHEAP benefits once you complete the application process. Please visit https://www.benefitsapplication.com/program_info/MD/LIHEAP for more information.

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