Housing Assistance for Low-Income in Massachusetts

The State of Massachusetts administers many housing and rental assistance programs to help the low-income, homeless, and people with special needs. You qualify for cash, housing units, or grants to pay security deposits and part of your rent. These programs aim to develop more affordable housing opportunities to enable the residents to live to achieve stability in the surrounding communities.

Family Self Sufficiency Program

The Family Self Sufficiency Program works to provide financial opportunities to families participating in the Section 8 Housing. The program aims to enable the Section 8 Housing program participants to achieve stability and self-sufficiency. How does the program work? Well, it’s quite simple. Whenever a family participating in the Section 8 Housing experiences an increase in income, they pay more for monthly rent. Now, if you participate in the FSS program, the housing authority deposits the same amount in a savings account in your name. You will receive the total savings once you complete the FSS program. That gives you a better chance of finally becoming a homeowner. How long does the program take to be complete? Most families take up to five years to achieve their dreams, while others take less time. Why FSS Program? FSS Program allows you to invest in your family. How? Through this program, you can finish your education, secure a better job, and purchase a beautiful home. How do you qualify for the FSS program? To qualify for this program assistance, you have to meet the eligibility requirements of Section 8 Housing and have a good standing with the program. Why don’t you visit https://www.fcrhra.org/rental-assistance/family-self-sufficiency-program and find out more?

Housing for Seniors and People with Disabilities

There are more than 117 public housing units in Franklin County for the elderly persons and these living with disabilities that are managed at the state level. The HRA is in charge of managing these non-smoking properties. How does this program work? If you live in the housing units set aside for the disabled and the seniors, you will pay 30 % of your income towards rent. The HRA uses the Departments of Housing and Community Development’s funds to provide subsidies to cover the rest of the payments and other household expenses. Who is eligible for the program assistance? You must consider yourself as a senior, disabled, or both to qualify for the program support. The HRA maintains a waiting list for qualified applicants. Please note that the waiting period can always last up to two years. Assistance depends on funds and housing unit availability. Want to fill out the State-Aided Public Housing application? Please visit https://publichousingapplication.ocd.state.ma.us/. Find out more at https://www.fcrhra.org/find-housing/public-housing-for-seniors-and-persons-with-disabilities.

One-on-One Housing Counseling

HRA provides professional housing counseling services to those in need of assistance. Whether you are experiencing foreclosure or eviction, need help with budgeting, and homeownership counseling. The program also connects families with the available community housing and support services. Counseling teaches you the basics of homeownership and what to do when undergoing foreclosure or eviction. It makes you know your rights and responsibilities as a homeowner. For more details, please visit https://www.fcrhra.org/education/one-on-one-housing-counseling.

Housing Rehabilitation Program

The purpose of this program is to provide loans for the rehabilitation or renovation of homes to qualified low-income families. The loans provide homeowners with an affordable opportunity for home repair or weatherization. The program provides up to $35,000 loans. Who is eligible for the program support? Your income must not exceed the area median income. Assistance depends on the fund’s availability. If your town doesn’t have funding, don’t worry. You will get notified when the funds become available. Find out more at https://www.fcrhra.org/homeownership/housing-rehabilitation-programs.

Get the Lead Out Program

The purpose of this program is to remove lead-related hazards in 1-4 family properties. The program helps low-income families with homes or rental houses. The program provides loans ranging from $30,000 to $45,000, depending on the size and income of the family. Families occupying homes can qualify for o% interest loans. Property owners for rental housing can qualify for 5-15 years loans depending on the qualifications of the applicant and the amount they are borrowing. For non-profit organizations providing affordable housing opportunities to low-income families may qualify for up to 15 years of term loans of 0% interest. Find out more at https://www.fcrhra.org/homeownership/get-the-lead-out.

Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program

The Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program is provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The program provides mobile vouchers that are funded by the state. The program also provides project-based housing vouchers to specific apartments. Your income must not exceed 50% of the area median income, although this depends on the size of the family. Check out the current income limits at http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il.html. Receivers of mobile vouchers can contribute 30% or 40% of their income towards rent. The program covers the rest of the arrears. See if your local Public Housing Authority has a current waiting list at https://hedfuel.azurewebsites.net/.

Massachusetts Alternative Housing Voucher Program

The Alternative Housing Voucher Program is designed to provide rental support to the seniors and the disabled who reside in the public housing belonging to the state. To be eligible applicants must meet the disability/elderly definition and be aged 60 or below. For this program assistance, your income must not exceed 80% of the area median income. Here, the program participants pay 25% or 30% for their rent. Reach out to the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development at (617)-573-1150. Find out more at https://www.mass.gov/service-details/alternative-housing-voucher-program-ahvp.

Housing Consumer Education Centers

Housing Consumer Education Centers (HCEC) are committed to helping you obtain and maintain affordable and quality housing. The program assistance is available for property owners, tenants, homeowners, and homeless families and individuals. The centers are there to solve your housing problems. You can have access to the information you need to improve your housing stability and to minimize disputes with your landlord or mortgage servicer. Visit https://www.masshousinginfo.org/ to find a Housing Consumer Education Center in your location.

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

The program is federally-funded and is designed to help low-income families obtain quality and affordable housing of their choice. Although the applicants can choose where they want to live, the housing units must meet the HUD quality standards. The local housing authorities manage this program and process the applications. They maintain a waiting list that determines who gets help first, depending on the program funds availability, time of application, and certain priorities. Over 72,000 families receive housing assistance in Massachusetts through the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. Who is eligible for the program assistance? Your income must meet the low-income limits, be a U.S. citizen or provide proof of legal residence in the country. Note that the low-income limits vary depending on the size of the family and the location. Once you qualify for the program support, you pay 30% or 40% of your income as rent. The rest of the payment is covered in the housing vouchers, which are directed to the landlords on your behalf. How do you apply for the Section 8 Housing program? You may visit any of the local PHA in your area or non-profit agencies. You will then be placed on a waiting list if you qualify for support. For more information about the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, please visit https://www.mass.gov/service-details/section-8-housing-choice-voucher-program-hcvp.

Massachusetts Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

The program works to help low-income families pay for their heating bills during winter. The program aims to help families stay out of the harsh weather and provide additional support to keep their energy-efficient. Want to apply? You may visit https://hedfuel.azurewebsites.net/. Eligibility for this program depends on the household size and income. Your family income must not exceed 60% of the area median income. The amount of assistance also depends on the income and the type of fuel the family consumes. The program also provides crisis assistance for families facing emergencies related to heating or cooling, including threats of disconnection from the energy source. Find out more at https://www.mass.gov/how-to/apply-for-home-heating-and-energy-assistance.

USDA’s Single-Family Housing Direct Home Loans in Massachusetts

The purpose of this program is to help low-income families have access to quality and affordable housing in Massachusetts. The program is committed to improving their repayment ability and helps them reduce the amount of money they use for mortgages for a short time. The family determines the amount of assistance the program provides. You must demonstrate the need for safe and decent housing. You must also be willing to occupy the property and use it as your primary residence and meet the U.S citizenship requirements. You may use the funds to repair or renovate your house to make it safer for living. For more details, visit https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/single-family-housing-direct-home-loans/ma.

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