Housing Assistance for Low-Income in Michigan

Are you facing challenges in paying your rent or mortgage?  There are many programs in Michigan State to help people in need of housing assistance.

Eviction Prevention Program

This program is available for residents of the City of Grand Rapids, and it works with other partners to help in preventing evictions. It also works to prevent the possible negative impacts of evictions and to help individuals regain stability. How does the program work? Caseworkers from the Department of Health and Human Services work with eligible tenants to access the State Emergency Relief Fund to help settle their rent payment arrears. The landlord and the tenant then sign an agreement, referred to as “Stipulation.” Once the tenant accesses the SER funds, the landlord is paid, and the tenant gets to stay in their home. Find out more at https://www.grandrapidsmi.gov/Government/Programs-and-Initiatives/Eviction-Prevention-Program.

Blight Elimination Program

The Blight Elimination Program was established by Mortgage Housing Assistance Non-Profit Housing Corporation to address the blighted residential properties. The program works with local agencies in identifying and addressing abandoned homes. The program helps to promote stabilization and establish a greener space while making way for future housing development for residents of Michigan. Find out more at https://www.michigan.gov/leo/0,5863,7-336-94422_96636_91456_91463-490293–,00.html.

Campaign to End Homelessness

Permanent Supportive Housing

Permanent supportive housing offers a combination of housing and supportive services and is seen as a cost-effective way of providing more stable and productive lives to Michigan residents. This program works best for individuals experiencing the most complex challenges, including those with low-income, disabled, and the homeless. Disability can be in form of a physical impairment, including profound deafness and legal blindness, or it can a mental problem. Apart from the mentioned conditions, the applicant must have a substantial need for housing and supportive services to successfully live an independent life. Supportive housing services are provided as a solution to help people recover and safely get back to their families. The focus is primarily on achieving stabilization. In Michigan State, there are more than 2,500 housing units intended to provide supportive housing services to tenants in need of assistance. The units are affordable to residents with incomes below 30% area median income for their county of residence. For more information, please visit https://www.michigan.gov/mcteh/0,8782,7-349-78550—,00.html.

The Fair Housing Act

The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination of individuals in the sale, rental, leasing, or financing of housing based on their gender, race, religion, nationality, or family status. The act also prohibits housing discrimination based on an individual’s marital status or age. Apart from being an important tool for eliminating discrimination, the Act also strengthens families and the overall economy. For more information about your rights as a tenant under the Fair Housing Act, please visit https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/fair_housing_act_overview. Federal agencies and grantees are required to further the purposes of the Fair Housing Act through Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). It means addressing the significant disparities existing in Michigan, concerning housing needs and access to opportunity. For more information, please visit https://www.michigan.gov/mshda/0,4641,7-141-53192—,00.html.

Housing Assessment and Resource Agency (HARA)

HARA is committed to providing a centralized housing assessment and thereby, ensuring swift service and housing delivery system in the community. The agency also offers shelter and re-housing services to the homeless. Each HARA is required to employ a staff, who should function as the Housing Resource Specialist. The specialist ensures re-housing services are effectively provided to the homeless individuals and families in their areas of practice. Please visit https://www.michigan.gov/mcteh/0,8782,7-349-78543-516887–,00.html#:~:text=A%20Housing%20Assessment%20and%20Resource,house%20people%20who%20are%20homeless to learn more about HARA.

The Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness (MCAH)

MCAH was established in 1990 as a private membership organization, which brings together emergency shelters, transitional housing programs, non-profit housing and service programs, government programs, and citizens concerned from across the State of Michigan. MCAH empowers over 600 Michigan homeless service agencies through the creation of public awareness, advocacy, and offering support services that bring out the best housing practices in the State. For more information, please visit https://mihomeless.org/.

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program

The ESG program work to promote Housing First through prevention and rapid re-housing. the program provides both shelter and other supportive housing services, which are considered key to ending homelessness in Michigan. The Campaign to End Homelessness supports this program.

MI Home Loan Flex

The MI Home Loan Flex program offers more flexible loan services to both first-time and repeats home buyers. The program can be used together with the Michigan Down Payment Loan. The program offers a down payment loan of up to $7,500. The income limits for this program varies depending on the size of the family and property location. You must have a credit score of at least 660 for you to qualify for funds. Visit https://www.michigan.gov/mshda/0,4641,7-141-45866_45868-284858–,00.html for more information about the program.

Property Improvement Program

The Property Improvement Program offers loans to homeowners in need of housing assistance. What are the loan benefits? Well, qualifying individuals are given up to 20 years in loan terms. We both know that this makes monthly mortgage or rent payment affordable, even to struggling households. The loans offered do not require any appraisal. Are you wondering if you can apply for PIP loans? Do you have equity in your home? Does your household earn up to $125,300 in a year? Do you have a credit score of at least 620? Then, worry no more. If you meet all these eligibility requirements, you can successfully apply for PIP loans. You can always borrow up to $25,000, depending on the type of your property. Visit  https://www.michigan.gov/mshda/0,4641,7-141-45866_47906_49317—,00.html to learn more about the program.

Hope Network Housing and Community Development

Hope Network recognizes that successful living requires housing and supportive services such as education, training, transportation, and many more. With that, the Hope Network increases independent living and promote self-efficiency. The program is committed to providing affordable housing to the needy in Michigan. For more information, please visit https://hopenetwork.org/affordable-housing/mission/.

Grand Rapids Housing Commission

GRHC works together with residents and landlords to help families and individuals maintain housing stabilization. The housing authority participates under Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), Public housing, Homeowner Voucher, Family Self-Sufficiency, among others. To be eligible for this program, you must be a resident of Kent County. For more information, please visit https://affordablehousingonline.com/housing-authority/Michigan/Grand-Rapids-Housing-Commission/MI073.

Michigan’s Section 8 Housing Program

Section 8 Housing provides rent subsidies for low-income individuals and families and enables them to obtain decent and safe housing in the private market. The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) administers approximately 28,000 Housing Choice Vouchers in the state. MSHDA works to ensure that all applicants understand how the program operates. Visit https://www.michigan.gov/mshda/0,4641,7-141-5555_41607—,00.html to learn more about the program.

USDA’s Single-Family Housing Direct Home Loans in Michigan

This program offers assistance to low-income individuals and families in form of low-interest loans that are payable over 20 years. The goal is to enable eligible individuals to obtain quality and decent housing. The funds are meant to improve the living conditions of their homes. Qualification for this payment assistance depends upon the household’s income and size. You must have also tried to borrow money elsewhere with no success and be willing to occupy the property as your primary residence. Which areas are considered for payment assistance? the program offers support to rural areas with a population of less than 35,000. For more eligibility information, please visit http://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov/eligibility/welcomeAction.do?pageAction=sfpd. The USDA Rural Development processes the applications for this program. The maximum amount of loan applicants receives depends on their repayment ability. Visit https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/single-family-housing-direct-home-loans/mi to learn more about the program.

Michigan Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

The Michigan LIHEAP was established under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981. The intention is to help low-income earners who spend most of their monthly income to meet their immediate home energy needs. The Michigan Department of Health and Huan Services (MDHHS) administers the LIHEAP funds. The LIHEAP components in Michigan include Weatherization, crisis intervention, and Home Heating Credit, which is administered by the Department of Treasury. Visit https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-73970_61179_8367-122714–,00.html for more information about the Michigan LIHEAP.

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